Well-Being in Academic Environments

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Note: Content on this page is still in development.

How To Use This Site

Think of the information on this site as you would a menu. It provides a variety of strategies, tools and resources from which to pick and choose.

The strategies on this site are based on research. A team of faculty and staff adapted, with permission, what faculty at University of Texas Austin have found to be effective in supporting student well-being. And, these resources are not only to benefit students.  Perhaps you use some of these practices to boost your own well-being already.   What you do for yourself benefits others. 

When considering the strategies or ideas you’d like to try, think about your personal interactions and teaching style. Not every strategy is the right fit, so pick one that feels comfortable and do it well. Some are easier than others to embed, given your situation. According to students, some of the simplest ideas can have a huge impact when done authentically.

These resources can be integrated with the Teaching Effectiveness Framework from CSU’s Office of Teaching and Learning.


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